Opportunity to request administrative review-November 2021 | Husch Blackwell LLP-JDSupra

2021-11-05 06:05:50 By : Mr. WANG DI

On November 1, 2021, the U.S. Department of Commerce ("Department of Commerce") announced in the Federal Register an opportunity to require annual administrative reviews of products currently subject to anti-dumping and countervailing duties. The products and countries that have been listed in the Federal Register notice are as follows:

As part of this annual review process, the Department of Commerce intends to select interviewees based on an analysis of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data imported by the United States during the review period, which will only be released to the legal counsel of the relevant party. Any party wishing to participate in the anti-dumping and countervailing duty review process, or any party that may be affected by the product tariffs identified in the Federal Register notice, should submit a review request no later than November 30, 2021. To participate in the review, one party must be an exporter or importer of a specific product within a specific time period determined in the Federal Register notice.

Disclaimer: Due to the generality of this update, the information provided here may not be applicable in all situations, and action should not be taken without specific legal advice based on specific circumstances.

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